Cosmotonics 7x7 by Don Li

This is an exclusive player and music store, offering multitrack deep listening experiences of more than 49 hours of Don Li’s cosmotonomy. Play with it, dive in, lose touch with reality, re-accustom your ears and mind to patience and find new planets. That is what this is all about.



A replacement word for music.


49 hours of cosmotonomy.
Seven compositions in seven versions.
20 years of development.


Explore a deeper listening experience into the layers of the composition by switching between the submixes which isolates various instrumentations synchronously to the main mix.
Each submix can also be experienced as a fully independent work.


Subscribe, buy the music and listen to full hours without interruption. Download high quality AIFF-files.


A good sound system.
A comfortable armchair.
Patient listening is key.


Created between 2002-2020 at Orbital Garden Bern. 46.94823055506326, 7.451760684647403


Out of love.


DNA-Cosmotonomy – all music composed using a system of Defined Note Allocation.


Don Li


Ania Losinger, Baze, Björn Meyer, Carlo Nierderhauser, David Schnee, Don Li, Jojo Mayer, Kaspar Rast, Katryn
Hasler, Mat Callahan, Mats Eser, Norbert Pfammatter, Peter Scherer, Rea, Rico Baumann, Sanju Sahai, Shirley Grimes, Simon Heggendorn, Skuli Sverrisson, Sujay Bobade,
Tian Bosshard, Vidya Shah, Wolfgang Zwiauer

Thanks to the musicians for their beautiful playing, singing and speaking, thier endless patience and trust. Deep thanks to Alexandra von Arx for her generous sup- port, love and continuous patience. Thanks to Björn Meyer for spending all the hours mixing in a most focused and calm way. Thanks to Jahn Antener for staying with me all the years, patient and supportive. Thanks to Li, my son, who shared me with this work. Thanks to Sabine Ruch for the great support in the search for funds. Thank you to my beloved sister and brothers for being born into the same family. Thanks to Ania Losinger, Mats Eser, Björn Meyer, Wolfgang Zwiauer, Norbert Pfammatter, Zimoun, Marko Marffy, Kathryn Hasler, and also to the much too rarely seen Peter Scherer, Pierre-Yves Borgeaud, Sujay Bobade and Skuli Sverrisson for being my friends despite my absence.

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